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I had already registered for classes back in May, but the stupid Registrar decided to swap around some of the course offerings and so when I thought I would be attending classes three days out of the week, it had suddenly shifted to four. So, after much finagling with an aging Java-based registration site, I've settled on these classes for the fall.ATEC 3351 Computer Game Development Introduction to methods and techniques used in the design and creation of interactive computer games. Topics will include basic principles of animation, arshitecture, and deployment. ATEC 4370 Topics in Arts and Technology Study of fundamental principles and basic techniques of arts and technology. Sections may be devoted exclusively to a single aspect of the arts and technology or to a multiplicity of subjects related to the field. Mine just so happens to be traditional animation. LIT 3311 The Literature of Fantasy and Science Fiction The tradition of the fantastic narrative from classical through modern literature. Consideration of fantasy and/or science fiction as genres melding entertainment and speculation. Works of fantasy may include The Golden Ass, Dracula, and One Hundred Years of Solitude. Writers of science fiction may include Mary Shelley, Poe, Hawthorne, Wells, Clarke, Heinlein, and LeGuin. ARTS 2380 2D Design Foundations This course provides a foundation for most 3000-level art courses. The course will introduce the problem of working with color and design, emphasizing either traditional studio or digital processes. Lectures and discussions will relate to both the history of visual art and current issues in contemporary art and design. ATEC 4346 Story-Telling for New Media Theory, principles and practice of narrative created for distribution via digital media. Includes study of the creation of both linear and nonlinear digital content for Internet distribution. frusterbated boi [
1:06 PM ]
Last night was my second date with Ross. It's really amazing how fast time flies since the last time I saw him... perhaps because things began to feel unimportant until I saw him again. I, of course, went and bought a new shirt (and left the sticker on it just like I did last time). When we met up, I was originally going to pick him up at the door, but he insisted to follow me to the car. As we were driving, I took a wrong turn and ended up having to go the long way but we finally got to our surprise destination: the Main Event. There, we bowled for about an hour (he was very good... but I won the bet of a third date if I beat him... and I did twice). It was also the first time I had ever bowled more than 1 strike in a row (three actually). After bowling, we played several arcade games... skee ball, air hockey, some dirt bike racing, and several basketball games. I usually bombed those, but it was a lot of fun. After that, we had a wonderful dinner at Chilis. I had ordered my usual Dr. Pepper for dinner (of which he is very fond), yet unfortunately he gave it up for lent, so I felt awkward and moved it aside and had water. It was a beautiful night and once again I was sad to see him leave... but I know that the next time I see him I'm going to tell him how I feel and not regret not acting on my emotions. He deserves someone who will really take care of him... he's a wonderful guy. I hope that maybe eventually that could possibly be me. frusterbated boi [
10:46 PM ]
So out of absolute randomness because I had never met Ross before, we had been talking for a while and because he was always too busy to stop by work and say Hi, I finally just invited him out to dinner. What began from a simple hello at the food court turned into one of the most memorable nights of my life. Visually, he is beautiful. He has the most attractive eyes that I've seen in a long time. Emotionally, he's very mature... not eager to rush into anything and very aware of what goes on around him.For dinner, I took him to one of the best Mexican restaurants around: Abuelo's. I really don't remember what he had to eat, but it looked prettier on the plate than my enchiladas did. It was very cute because the waiter brought us our own bowls of chips and hot sauce, yet we both added lots of salt to our chips, thinking that the other person wouldn't have wanted salt on their own. The meal was rather enjoyable and after that, I invited him to "see a movie" unlike any he had seen before. My all time favorite movie, and fitting for the time I spent with him, was Love Actually. As a complete surprise to him, I drove to the movie theater and parked... then asked him to move to the back, where I showed up with my laptop. We moved in close around the screen and had our own private movie theater for the evening. The sadest part of the whole time was when I had to drop him back off to his car. I gave him a kiss good night on his hand and he gave me a kiss good night on the cheek. Isn't he adorable? ![]() Rossypooh. frusterbated boi [
10:53 AM ]
So about 10 days ago it was my birthday... I counted it up... I'm 20... that's not what I counted because I knew that already... so 20 seems old... and so there must be some other way of saying your age without it sounding old... so I totalled it up and I'm 240 months old... and that sounds... kinda okay... but then I thought, what about days? I'm 7,300 days old. I mean, really, if you think about that, that's 7,300 days that I've been here... that's a lot of days that I had to get up... and do something... we should count it by the days... you know, they say "Take one day at a time..." or "Live each day to the fullest..." so it makes sense that we'd count our age by days instead of years... I thought what would that be like? All of a sudden everything would change. "Oh Kathy's turnin the big 15,000. What a party that's gonna be. She looks great. Doesn't look a day over 10,300. And you know what they're saying... the 15,000 is like the new 12,000." Then whenever you talked to your children, things would change... "Hey, quit acting like you're 3,000 and let your brother out of the closet!" I never really pay that much attention to it being my birthday, but we always get really excited whenever we realize that it's somebody elses birthday on the exact same day as yours. "Oh my God! It's your birthday too!?!? Yeah! The 14th? Wow! That's amazing! Yeah... wow... yeah... wow!" But it seems I just share my birthday with LL Cool J.
frusterbated boi [
9:10 AM ]
There's some income I'm missing out on, I'm realizing now... when you're kinda famous, you have a lot of opportunities to make moolah... take Paris Hilton... she's making the big bucks... and she has a new perfume out... that is called, interestingly enough... Paris Hilton - that is the name. I smelled it and it is nice but it smells nothing like a French hotel room... it's very misleading. A lot of celebrities have perfumes... Jennifer Lopez has one called Glow... Britney Spears has Curious... and Colin Farrell has Profanity... so if I had one, it would be a dry, subtle scent and I would call it (speaks softly) "Chris...." But everybodys doing perfume... so I wouldn't do that. So what can I have? I want a line of something that nobody else has... I would have my own line of crutons... because, hear me out, because I love crutons but I can't eat them because they scrape the roof of my mouth. But I can't eat them because they hurt me. Every single time, they scrape the roof of my mouth. But they're delcious, I love them! It's like a dysfunctional relationship. I love them... but they continue to hurt me. I think the person who invented crutons must have worn a retainer and so they never felt the agony. People who eat salad want to eat salad without being in fear all of the time, and for those people, they will now have an opportunity to buy Chris' Soft and Soggy Crutons. I'm not really a chef so I don't know how it could be done but I'm sure it can be done... fabric softener or something... and it's stale bread... how did that ever end up in a salad anyway? Who eats salad and says, "Oh this is delicious but it needs something... you know what it's missing... something old.... something stale." If they don't sale... wuts the worst that can happen? They won't get anymore stale...
frusterbated boi [
9:41 PM ]
Everyday... we do things that are... well driving, bathing, and eating... we don't even think about them as dangerous... they say you're most likely to have a car accident within one mile of your own house... so what I'll do is park at a friends house and just walk home... I don't wanna risk it. Sometimes I'll even bathe there too. Most accidents happen right in your own home. Eating, which I'm a big fan of, is extremely dangerous. You don't even think about it, but do you know how many people choke on their own food every year? A lot. I don't know the exact number... and if you do, lighten up. Eating is the most dangerous thing that we do and the Heimlich posters are everywhere because they know how dangerous it can be. Oatmeal. You think oatmeal is safe? Nope. It could go down the wrong pipe. Nothing goes down the wrong pipe smoother than oatmeal, except a smoothie maybe. What is the wrong pipe anyway? I really only feel one pipe in my neck. I know there's two... one for air and one for food. I believe the one for food is made of copper. Unless you were born before the 50s in which case it was lead and then you have to change it out. We eat two or three times a day... fish scares me... I'm scared to death to eat fish... especially white fish... delicious, light, flakey, and DEADLY... I see a piece of fish and I bite into it... they say it's boneless... but sometimes you find a little tiny bone... you act like you've just survived a near death experience. You'll pull it out and show anybody who will look. OH! A BONE! I ALMOST DIED! ORDER ME ANOTHER WHISKEY! The safest fish to eat is probably a swordfish... because you can see the sword and you're not going to eat a sword unless you're a sword swallower....I'll tell you the safest fish to eat; the safest fish to eat is chicken. You can see the bones and sometimes you even look forward to them... like wishbones.
frusterbated boi [
8:34 AM ]
People make the mistake of filling up on appetizers... when you go to the fancy parties... weddings with waiters running around with food... trays with food and stuff... going "Would you like a crab cake? An egg role? A pop tart? A pizza? A steak? A quesadilla?" All of this is before dinner... I'm tellin yah, if you want to have a good party, you should serve some really bad appetizers. I went to a party last week and they're really just trying to make things too fancy. The drinks are fancier. The waiter asked, "Would you like a Bloody Mary?" and instead of tomato paste, it came with beef sauce... I'm not kidding... He was really trying hard... "Would you like to try a new Bloody Mary? It's vodka and beef sauce." I said, "No, thanks... I'm having gin and chicken stock." Now they are putting soups in shotglasses. Have you seen this? They'll give you a little shotglass with the soup in it. If you can only drink a shot of soup, then I want my Vodka martini to come in the bowl. The popular food now is carpaccio... the raw... any kind of sliced... well tuna is a popular one... it's a lot like sushi but it's sliced really really thin... you can barely see anything on your plate... it just looks like a pink plate all of a sudden... you can pick it up and see through it... it's really thin and it melts on your tongue like a breath mint... you don't even know if you've eaten it or not... you can get fuller by licking a tuna...
frusterbated boi [
5:12 AM ] |